OUR RESPONSE TO COVID-19 Safety and Well-Being of our employees is our top priority. Over the past months, the COVID-19 pandemic has emerged as a significant global challenge that has created disruption across the world. We are engaged with our employees, clients, partners, and community organizations to help curb the pandemic in whatever means it could be done. We are taking every precaution to look at the safety of our customers and community as a whole. Customers’ Priority In these challenging times, we're-ensuring continued services to our clients, with nil or minimal impact on deliverable's.

today, tomorrow and beyond.

Experience the Difference

Having established itself long ago as Cameroon’s most prestigious funeral home and cemetery, Greenwood Memorial Park, Mortuary and Crematory is truly a place like no other.

Built in 1907 on a slight hill with an ocean view, Greenwood’s appeal began with its location.

Plan Ahead - Pre-Plan

You can make these important decisions in the privacy of your own home

Experience the Difference

We offer unique opportunities for families to create healing moments after loss.

We understand that it is not always possible to pay respects in person, & hope that this small token will help. You can search for your loved one using the list of obituaries here:

Recent Obituaries


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Notifying relatives

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Legal guidance

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Helping You Plan

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Extra ordinary set of services for all needs


Emotional words about our services

We Help You In Everything You Need.
Also Pre-Arrangements.

And with the help of licensed insurance agents, you can build a payment plan to help pay for the funeral you select.

Regardless of your age or health, we offer insurance plans that can be paid in a single payment or spread over a 3-, 5- or 10-year period. When the time comes to make your claim, your funds will be available quickly.

Most claims are paid within 24 hours after the necessary documentation is received. With a reputation for superior service, our professional & caring representatives.

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    Book your service

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    123, landmark address
    Merlin Street
    Fl, United States

    An easy way to send Flowers & Gifts to your loved ones